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Menu Config

General Way

Get a Menu Key

Use editor.getAllMenuKeys() to checkout all menus key, and find your menu key.

Get the Menu Default Config

When you find a menu key, you can get this menu's default config.

editor.getMenuConfig('uploadImage') // `uploadImage` is a menu key

Change the Menu Config

import { IEditorConfig } from '@wangeditor-next/editor'

// add a MENU_CONF prop
const editorConfig: Partial<IEditorConfig> = {  // TS syntax
// const editorConfig = {                       // JS syntax
    MENU_CONF: {}

    // other props...

// change `uploadImage` menu config
editorConfig.MENU_CONF['uploadImage'] = {
    server: '/api/upload-image',
    fieldName: 'custom-field-name'
    // other config...

// change other menu's config
editorConfig.MENU_CONF['otherMenuKey'] = {
    // config...

// create editor, or Vue React <Editor> component

change the default Menu Conifg

Change the default font, font size, and line height

    const jsonContent = [
          type: 'paragraph',
          lineHeight: '1.5',
          children: [
            { text: 'hello world', fontFamily: '黑体', fontSize: '32px' }

The Vue and React Editor component has the defaultContent attribute, which can be passed in the above jsonContent

HTML Format

    const htmlContent = '<p style="line-height: 1.5;"><span style="font-size: 32px; font-family: 黑体;">hello world</span></p>'

The Vue Editor component can use the v-model attribute to pass in HTML content, and the React Editor component can use the value attribute to pass in HTML content.

change the defalut icon

Add the iconSvg attribute to the corresponding toolbar and hoverbar keys in the menu conf and fill in the corresponding svg string.

  // toolbar text color key
  color: {
      '<svg viewBox="0 0 1024 1024"><path d="M0 64v896h1024V64H0z m384 576v-192h256v192h-256z m256 64v192h-256v-192h256z m0-512v192h-256V192h256zM320 192v192H64V192h256z m-256 256h256v192H64v-192z m640 0h256v192h-256v-192z m0-64V192h256v192h-256zM64 704h256v192H64v-192z m640 192v-192h256v192h-256z"></path></svg>'
  // hoverbar image width key
  imageWidth30: {
    iconSvg: '<svg viewBox="0 0 1024 1024"><path d="M0 64v896h1024V64H0z m384 576v-192h256v192h-256z m256 64v192h-256v-192h256z m0-512v192h-256V192h256zM320 192v192H64V192h256z m-256 256h256v192H64v-192z m640 0h256v192h-256v-192z m0-64V192h256v192h-256zM64 704h256v192H64v-192z m640 192v-192h256v192h-256z"></path></svg>',


// font colors
editorConfig.MENU_CONF['color'] = {
    colors: ['#000', '#333', '#666']

// background colors
editorConfig.MENU_CONF['bgColor'] = {
    colors: ['#000', '#333', '#666']

Font Size

editorConfig.MENU_CONF['fontSize'] = {
    fontSizeList: [
        // Support two format
        //   1. string
        //   2. object like { name: 'xxx', value: 'xxx' }

        { name: '24px', value: '24px' },



Some fonts are not commercially available.

editorConfig.MENU_CONF['fontFamily'] = {
    fontFamilyList: [
        // Support two format
        //   1. string
        //   2. object like { name: 'xxx', value: 'xxx' }

        { name: 'Tahoma', value: 'Tahoma' },

Line Height

editorConfig.MENU_CONF['lineHeight'] = {
    lineHeightList: ['1', '1.5', '2', '2.5']


editorConfig.MENU_CONF['emotion'] = {
    emotions: '😀 😃 😄 😁 😆 😅 😂 🤣 😊 😇 🙂 🙃 😉'.split(' ') // 数组
  • checkLink Check link url
  • parseLinkUrl Parse link url
function customCheckLinkFn(text: string, url: string): string | boolean | undefined {  // TS syntax
// function customCheckLinkFn(text, url) {                                             // JS syntax
    if (!url) {
    if (url.indexOf('http') !== 0) {
        return 'Link must includes http/https'
    return true

    // The following three way, you should choose one:
    // 1. return true. Means check successful, editor will insert this link
    // 2. return a string. Means check failed, need to alert some text info
    // 3. return undefined. Means check failed, no need to alert some text info

function customParseLinkUrl(url: string): string {   // TS syntax
// function customParseLinkUrl(url) {                // JS syntax
    if (url.indexOf('http') !== 0) {
        return `http://${url}`
    return url

// insertLink menu config
editorConfig.MENU_CONF['insertLink'] = {
    checkLink: customCheckLinkFn, // support `async function`
    parseLinkUrl: customParseLinkUrl, // support `async function`
// editLink menu config
editorConfig.MENU_CONF['editLink'] = {
    checkLink: customCheckLinkFn, // support `async function`
    parseLinkUrl: customParseLinkUrl, // support `async function`


If you use Typescript, you need define image element type.

// create a `.d.ts` file

import { SlateElement } from '@wangeditor-next/editor'

type ImageElement = SlateElement & {
    src: string
    alt: string
    url: string
    href: string

Image menu config.

function customCheckImageFn(src: string, alt: string, url: string): boolean | undefined | string {  // TS syntax
// function customCheckImageFn(src, alt, url) {                                                     // JS syntax
    if (!src) {
    if (src.indexOf('http') !== 0) {
        return 'Image src must start width http/https'
    return true

    // The following three way, you should choose one:
    // 1. return true. Means check successful, editor will insert this image
    // 2. return a string. Means check failed, need to alert some text info
    // 3. return undefined. Means check failed, no need to alert some text info

function customParseImageSrc(src: string): string {  // TS syntax
// function customParseImageSrc(src) {               // JS syntax
    if (src.indexOf('http') !== 0) {
        return `http://${src}`
    return src

// insertImage menu config
editorConfig.MENU_CONF['insertImage'] = {
    onInsertedImage(imageNode: ImageElement | null) {  // TS syntax
    // onInsertedImage(imageNode) {                    // JS syntax
        if (imageNode == null) return

        const { src, alt, url, href } = imageNode
        console.log('inserted image', src, alt, url, href)
    checkImage: customCheckImageFn, // support `async function`
    parseImageSrc: customParseImageSrc, // support `async function`
// editImage menu config
editorConfig.MENU_CONF['editImage'] = {
    onUpdatedImage(imageNode: ImageElement | null) {   // TS syntax
    // onUpdatedImage(imageNode) {                     // JS syntax
        if (imageNode == null) return

        const { src, alt, url } = imageNode
        console.log('updated image', src, alt, url)
    checkImage: customCheckImageFn, // support `async function`
    parseImageSrc: customParseImageSrc, // support `async function`

Upload Image

See demo.

editorConfig.MENU_CONF['uploadImage'] = {
    // menu config...

Server Address


editorConfig.MENU_CONF['uploadImage'] = {
     server: '/api/upload',

If uploaded successfully, the server must return data like this format:

    "errno": 0, // it's number, not string
    "data": {
        "url": "xxx", // image src, required
        "alt": "yyy", // image alt, optional
        "href": "zzz" // image link, optional

If uploaded failed, the server must return data like this format:

    "errno": 1, // number, not equal 0
    "message": 'your failed message'


If your server's response body is not above format, you can use the following customInsert.

Basic Config

editorConfig.MENU_CONF['uploadImage'] = {
    // form-data fieldName ,default 'wangeditor-uploaded-image'
    fieldName: 'your-custom-name',

    // max size of one file
    maxFileSize: 1 * 1024 * 1024, // 1M

    // max length of uploaded files
    maxNumberOfFiles: 10,

    // file types, default `['image/*']`. If unwanted, you can set []
    allowedFileTypes: ['image/*'],

    // custom upload params, like token
    meta: {
        token: 'xxx',
        otherKey: 'yyy'

    // Embed meta in url, not in formData. Default is false
    metaWithUrl: false,

    // custom http headers
    headers: {
        Accept: 'text/x-json',
        otherKey: 'xxx'

    // send cookie when cross-origin
    withCredentials: true,

    // timeout, default 10s
    timeout: 5 * 1000, // 5 秒


editorConfig.MENU_CONF['uploadImage'] = {
    onBeforeUpload(file: File) {   // TS syntax
    // onBeforeUpload(file) {      // JS syntax
        // `file` is selected file, format like { key: file }
        return file

        // You can return:
        // 1. return the file object or a new file object. Editor will upload it.
        // 2. return false. Stop upload this file.

    onProgress(progress: number) {   // TS syntax
    // onProgress(progress) {        // JS syntax
        // progress is a number 0-100
        console.log('progress', progress)

    // One file upload success
    onSuccess(file: File, res: any) {     // TS syntax
    // onSuccess(file, res) {             // JS syntax
        console.log(`${} uploaded`, res)

    // One file upload failed
    onFailed(file: File, res: any) {     // TS syntax
    // onFailed(file, res) {             // JS syntax
        console.log(`${} failed`, res)

    // upload error or timeout
    onError(file: File, err: any, res: any) {  // TS syntax
    // onError(file, err, res) {               // JS syntax
        console.log(`${} error`, err, res)

Custom Functions

If you use Type script, you should define a function type first.

type InsertFnType = (url: string, alt: string, href: string) => void

Custom Insert

If your server response body is not above format, you can use customInsert to insert image.

editorConfig.MENU_CONF['uploadImage'] = {
    customInsert(res: any, insertFn: InsertFnType) {   // TS syntax
    // customInsert(res, insertFn) {                   // JS syntax

        // `res` is server response

        // Get image's url, alt, href in res, and insert to editor
        insertFn(url, alt, href)

Custom Upload

If you unwanted wangEditor's embedded upload function, you can use customUpload to upload images yourself.

editorConfig.MENU_CONF['uploadImage'] = {
    async customUpload(file: File, insertFn: InsertFnType) {   // TS syntax
    // async customUpload(file, insertFn) {                    // JS syntax

        // `file` is your selected file

        // upload images yourself, and get image's url, alt, href

        // insert image
        insertFn(url, alt, href)

Custom Select Images

If you unwanted wangEditor's embedded select function, you can use customBrowseAndUpload to implement by yourself.

editorConfig.MENU_CONF['uploadImage'] = {
    customBrowseAndUpload(insertFn: InsertFnType) {  // TS syntax
    // customBrowseAndUpload(insertFn) {             // JS syntax
        // 1. select files by yourself
        // 2. upload files, and get image's url, alt, href
        // 3. insert image
        insertFn(url, alt, href)

Base64 insert images

editorConfig.MENU_CONF['uploadImage'] = {
    // other props...

    // If image's size less than this, then insert image by base64 format. Default 0.
    base64LimitSize: 5 * 1024 // 5kb

Get Deleted Images

This is a common requirement.
You upload an image to the server, then you delete this image. You want to get this deleted image and delete it from the server when you save content.

  • Use onInsertedImage to collect all images, record to imageList1
  • When you save content, use editor.getElemsByType('image') to get rest images, record to imageList2
  • Diff imageList1 and imageList2, then you will get deleted images

You may wonder: If I can get this image when it just is deleted, but when save content?
You could not do this. Because the image which is deleted may restore by you redo or undo the editor.


If you use Typescript, you need to define video element type first.

// create a `.d.ts` file

import { SlateElement } from '@wangeditor-next/editor'

type VideoElement = SlateElement & {
    src: string
    poster?: string

Menu config.

function customCheckVideoFn(src: string, poster: string): boolean | string | undefined {   // TS syntax
// function customCheckVideoFn(src, poster) {                                              // JS syntax
    if (!src) {
    if (src.indexOf('http') !== 0) {
        return 'Video src must start width http/https'
    return true

    // The following three way, you should choose one:
    // 1. return true. Means check successful, editor will insert this video
    // 2. return a string. Means check failed, need to alert some text info
    // 3. return undefined. Means check failed, no need to alert some text info

function customParseVideoSrc(src: string): string {  // TS syntax
// function customParseVideoSrc(src) {               // JS syntax
    // parse video src and return the new src
    return newSrc

editorConfig.MENU_CONF['insertVideo'] = {
    onInsertedVideo(videoNode: VideoElement | null) {  // TS syntax
    // onInsertedVideo(videoNode) {                    // JS syntax
        if (videoNode == null) return

        const { src } = videoNode
        console.log('inserted video', src)
    checkVideo: customCheckVideoFn, // support `async function`
    parseVideoSrc: customParseVideoSrc, // support `async function`

Upload Video

See demo.

editorConfig.MENU_CONF['uploadVideo'] = {
    // menu config...

Server Address


editorConfig.MENU_CONF['uploadVideo'] = {
     server: '/api/upload',

If uploaded successfully, the server must return data like this format:

    "errno": 0, // it's number, not string
    "data": {
        "url": "xxx", // video src, required
        "poster": "xxx.png" // video poster image, optional

// @wangeditor-next/editor >= 5.1.8 support video poster

If uploaded failed, the server must return data like this format:

    "errno": 1, // number, not equal 0
    "message": "your failed message"


If your server's response body is not above format, you can use the following customInsert.

Basic Config

editorConfig.MENU_CONF['uploadVideo'] = {
    // form-data fieldName ,default 'wangeditor-uploaded-video'
    fieldName: 'your-custom-name',

    // max size of one file
    maxFileSize: 5 * 1024 * 1024, // 5M

    // max length of uploaded files
    maxNumberOfFiles: 3,

    // file types, default `['video/*']`. If unwanted, you can set []
    allowedFileTypes: ['video/*'],

    // custom upload params, like token
    meta: {
        token: 'xxx',
        otherKey: 'yyy'

    // Embed meta in url, not in formData. Default is false
    metaWithUrl: false,

    // custom http headers
    headers: {
        Accept: 'text/x-json',
        otherKey: 'xxx'

    // send cookie when cross-origin
    withCredentials: true,

    // timeout, default 30s
    timeout: 5 * 1000, // 5 秒

    // video do not support base64 format src.


editorConfig.MENU_CONF['uploadVideo'] = {
    onBeforeUpload(file: File) {   // TS syntax
    // onBeforeUpload(file) {      // JS syntax
        // `file` is selected file, format like { key: file }
        return file

        // You can return:
        // 1. return the file object or a new file object. Editor will upload it.
        // 2. return false. Stop upload this file.

    onProgress(progress: number) {  // TS syntax
    // onProgress(progress) {       // JS syntax
        // progress is a number 0-100
        console.log('progress', progress)

    // One file upload success
    onSuccess(file: File, res: any) {  // TS syntax
    // onSuccess(file, res) {          // JS syntax
        console.log(`${} uploaded`, res)

    // One file upload failed
    onFailed(file: File, res: any) {  // TS syntax
    // onFailed(file, res) {          // JS syntax
        console.log(`${} failed`, res)

    // upload error or timeout
    onError(file: File, err: any, res: any) {   // TS syntax
    // onError(file, err, res) {                // JS syntax
        console.log(`${} error`, err, res)

Custom Functions

If you use Type script, you should define a function type first.

type InsertFnType = (url: string, poster: string = '') => void

Custom Insert

If your server response body is not above format, you can use customInsert to insert video.

editorConfig.MENU_CONF['uploadVideo'] = {
    customInsert(res: any, insertFn: InsertFnType) {     // TS syntax
    // customInsert(res: any, insertFn: InsertFnType) {  // JS syntax

        // `res` is server response

        // Get video's url and poster in res, and insert to editor
        insertFn(url, poster)

Custom Upload

If you unwanted wangEditor's embedded upload function, you can use customUpload to upload videos yourself.

editorConfig.MENU_CONF['uploadVideo'] = {
    async customUpload(file: File, insertFn: InsertFnType) {  // TS syntax
    // async customUpload(file, insertFn) {                   // JS syntax

        // `file` is your selected file

        // upload videos yourself, and get video's url and poster

        // insert video
        insertFn(url, poster)

Custom Select Videos

If you unwanted wangEditor's embedded select function, you can use customBrowseAndUpload to implement by yourself.

editorConfig.MENU_CONF['uploadVideo'] = {
    customBrowseAndUpload(insertFn: InsertFnType) {   // TS syntax
    // customBrowseAndUpload(insertFn) {              // JS syntax
        // 1. select files by yourself
        // 2. upload files, and get video's url and poster
        // 3. insert video
        insertFn(url, poster)


  • minWidth table cell min width
  • tableHeader table header
  • tableFullWidth table width adaptation
editorConfig.MENU_CONF['insertTable'] = {
    minWidth: 60,
    // Table header
    tableHeader: {
        selected: false, // Do not enable the table header by default
    // Table width adaptation
    tableFullWidth: {
        selected: true, // By default enable form width adaptation

Code Highlight

  • codeLangs configure code language
  • selected: true configure code block default language (optional)
editorConfig.MENU_CONF['codeSelectLang'] = {
    codeLangs: [
        { text: 'CSS', value: 'css', selected: true },
        { text: 'HTML', value: 'html' },
        { text: 'XML', value: 'xml' },
        // others...


When you want to edit code language, you can only choose language from editor.getMenuConfig('codeSelectLang').codeLangs.You can't edit it at will!
If you want a new language, please commit an issue to us. It needs to change the editor's source code.


You can see General-way to change other menus config.

Released under the MIT License