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Date Structure

wangEditor is based on Slate.js, so you may learn Slate node design first.


You maybe have learned editor API, let me ask you some questions.

  • editor.addMark(key, value) can set tet style, but how can I set through-line, Which key and value?
  • editor.insertNode(node) can insert a node, but how can I insert a link node, how to define the node?
  • SlateTransforms.setNodes(editor, {...}) can set node props, but how can I set line-height, how to define {...}?

This article will tell you all of the node types and props, so you can do everything by the editor API.

Getting Started

If you want to know a node structure quickly, it's very simply.

  • Create an editor and run in browser, or use demo
  • Do something, like: bold, set color, set header ...
  • Run editor.children in browser's console

For example, you type some text, set a header or list, run editor.children then you can see it's structure

Set line height and text style, run editor.children then you can see it's structure

Text Node

A text node must have a text prop, like { text: 'hello' } . You can extend custom props, for instance bold text can be { text: 'hello', bold: true } .

Text node is leaf node, it can not have children prop.

Element Node

An element node must have two props type and children , like { type: 'header1', children: [ { text: 'hello' } ] } . You can extend custom props, for instance { type: 'header1', textAlign: 'center', children: [ { text: 'hello' } ] } .

Inline Element

By default, an element node is block style, like <div> in HTML. But we want some elements are inline style, like <img> <a> .

We can define an element node as inline by rewrite editor isInline API, see link element plugin source code.

Void Element

By default, an element node is not void node, it can have children. But we want some elements ar void node, like <img> <video> .

We can define an element node as void by rewrite editor isVoid API, see image element plugin source code.

Void element must have a children prop, which involve an empty text node. A image element is like:

    type: 'image',
    // other props ...
    children: [{ text: '' }] // A void element must have a children props, which involve an empty text node.

All Nodes Structure

See type in every source code.

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